• Sponsorship
  • Funding Requirements


The Lewisham Wrestling Club and Youth Association is looking for funds and sponsors. Sponsorship of this Wrestling club is a two-way street. The fund will enable group of youths to take part in sports that they enjoy and be proud of their accomplishments.

Funding Requirements:

The Club requires different levels of funding for the different aoganisational activities.
We are looking for sponsorship of any amount. This entitles the Company to have its company name printed on club's letterheads, literatures and website, with links directed to their website and sponsors mentioned in club events promotion.
Sponsorship funding provided would be under the direct control of the senior elected officers, with any financial decisions outside the running of the Club in the League, requiring the concurrence of all the committee members.

If you would like to sponsor our teams and benefit from added publicity please get in touch with the club by speaking to any of our committe members.    


Venue for Wrestling Training

Days: Sunday (Outdoor Fitness)

Place:   Greenwhich Park SE3 0TH  

Forester Memorial Park SE6 1UA 

Time:   11 AM to 3PM 
Age Group:  Any Age

Days:  Every Wednesday


18 Courthill Road, Lewisham SE13 6HB
Time:    5:30pm - 8:00 pm
Age Group:  10 Years upward

Latest News & Events

Coming up Events
Event: 2014 British Junior Championships and Aspull International Championships 2014.
6 junior wrestlers From Lewisham wrestling club will take part and try to bring Gold Medals for Club.
We're recruiting a new Group of Children's and Young people to take part in a twice per Week (Olympic Wrestling and physical activities) for Free of Charge, from 2014 to June 2015. Funded by BBC Children's in need.

Join Lewisham Wrestling Club

Committee Member
        Contribute to the discission making of the club.
Ordinary Member
        Join other members in keeping fit.