Conpetitions & Results

2009 heading


English Junior Championships 2008

Saturday 29th March 2008,Stockton Sports Centre,Talbot St, Stockton-on-TeesTS20 2AY

Lewisham Wrestling Club is proud to announce the success for their Champions who represent the Club and the Borough in the Aspulls international Olympic Wrestling Competitions 2008. This achievement came from the Lewisham wrestling club boys: Jams Baker 15 and Peter Gordon 17, James Baker and Peter Gordon both Boys from South east London, after only been doing wrestling for a short while, the Boys from Lewisham Wrestling club has came on leaps and bounds, the boys went to the competition with a positive attitude and wanted to win and they did.

They fight the Boysfrom different country like Belgium, Ireland, Holland, and they came in medal position, well done Boys’ keep up the hard work!.Overall, the competition was a real success and all of the Wrestlers put a 100% effort.The Boys from Lewisham Wrestling Club ambition is to bring Gold medals in the London Olympic 2012.

Aspull’s 31th International Competition Nov 2008

Lewisham Wrestling Club is proud to announce the success for their Champions who represent the Club and the Borough in the Aspulls international Olympic Wrestling Competitions 2008. This achievement came from the Lewisham wrestling club boys: Jams Baker 15 and Peter Gordon 17, James Baker and Peter Gordon both Boys from South east London, after only been doing wrestling for a short while, the Boys from Lewisham Wrestling club has came on leaps and bounds, the boys went to the competition with a positive attitude and wanted to win and they did.

They fight the Boysfrom different country like Belgium, Ireland, Holland, and they came in medal position, well done Boys’ keep up the hard work!
Overall, the competition was a real success and all of the Wrestlers put a 100% effort.The Boys from Lewisham Wrestling Club ambition is to bring Gold medals in the London Olympic 2012.

Aspull’s 30th International Competition Nov 2007

After such successful competition in September at Brighton, The boys and Girls of Lewisham wrestling club have done it again and made the club proud! The weekend of the 9th-11th Lewisham wrestling Club competed at the Aspull international competition. After a long drive into Manchester Friday night, the club arrived in Aspull at 10:50pm ready to be weighed in for the big competition for the next day. At the actual competition, it went very well for the club. 

There were a number of wins. Some of these include the new recruit, some of the other boys that come 1st or 2nd include:Craig Elias (1st) Israel (1st) Ernie (1st), Chloe Spiteri (1st) Grant Elias (1st) Ashley (2nd) Christian (2nd) King (2nd) Wyll (2nd) Ileous (1st) George (1st) Stanley (2nd) Adaline (2nd) Daniel (1st) Robert Baker (2nd) Fahad (2nd) Peter (2nd) and more. Overall, the competition was a real success and all of the wrestlers put a 100% effort in which resulted in the club coming 3rd (Haringey) and 5th (Lewisham) place overall out of 18 other international clubs which were competing.

Lewisham Wrestling Club will now be training very hard for the forthcoming competitions in 2008:.

  • France International
  • Belgium International
  • GB Cup
  • Malta International
  • Commonwealth Games
  • 2008 Junior Olympics in Germany, And lots more.
France International Wrestling Competition 2007

Lille - Metropol Juniors / Seniors 2007, At: Espace Sportif Defaucompret, Rue du long pot - 59000, Lille - France

The Lewisham wrestling club have scored some noticeable success recent month (March 23, 24, 25). We have travelled across the channel to take part in an international competition in France, There were countries competing from Italy, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France and other European countries.

The competition was of a very high Standard and we won the prestigious best over all team prize. (500 euro for the third place team). Also the best wrestler of the tournament was Christ Tshikeva with six Mach and six win. Aims was To open opportunities to children and young people from Lewisham.


Rustington October 2007

Lewisham Wrestling club competed at the Rustington Wrestling Club held in Brighton. we welcomed a new girl to the club named Chloe Spiteri aged 17, with only one month and a bit of experience in wrestling she managed to win two fights out of three.

The first fight Chloe had was against a girl called Kimmy who has a lot of experience in wrestling, bigger in weight and older than Chloe, Chloe Managed to fight three rounds before being beaten by Kimmy. However Chloe lost to two points only and Kimmy struggled to beat Chloe by pinning her down. This has given Chloe a lot more confidence in wrestling and she is now currently training hard for Great Britain Trials and a national competition in November 2007.

Andrea who is another girl at the wrestling club who is currently the Junior World Champion for girls wrestling put up a good fight and came away from the competition with a Gold medal. At the beginning of the competition it started off with everyone taking part in a warm up and then the main competition began. Overall the competition was a real success for the wrestling club. All of the training and hard work that the wrestlers have put in have paid off. Everyone in the club came home with a medal mainly Gold, This competition has benefited the wrestlers at the club because it has given them more confidence and experience for a major competition that is coming up.

In early November (2007), the wrestling club will be competing in Manchester with the Great Britain team and will be fighting against other countries such as China, USA e.t.c.


2006 heading


Manchester 2005

Competition the young wrestlers who are from one of the disadvantage group in the country they show their talents as well as their cultural values, they Bring Lewisham wrestling club in international competition on 12./13.11.2005 in Manchester, we come in second position in front of country like: Germany, Belgium, France, Ireland, Scotland.

There was also a fifth place for partially sighted a former Joseph clarke Pupil School Cedric Mundeke who strike a brows Medal.The club has an excellent record at competition we encourage our wrestler to compete, at level to suit their experience, from club competitions trough to international matches, our team is carefully selected from the wrestlers who have competed their qualifying course and who attend training regularly. Wrestlers who show outstanding commitment and achivement are recommended to train with the national squad, where they are eventually considered for selection as part of the British wrestling team, to represent the UK in international competition.

Is WWF wrestling suitable for children? Children all over the word are watching wwf wrestling more than ever, some say it is very entertaining while others say it is Garbage. The kids around the word are imitating moves they see on TV.a report showed Back yard wrestling is becoming a trend and a story reveiled a many young peoples Girls and Boys were killed after their friends Used the wrestling moves on them.

The lewisham wrestling club and Haringey introduce a Proffessional wrestling for young people from age of 10years old for the first time in the UK (WPWF) to evoide a children Back yard wrestling.


Hollande competition 2004

Coach Muladi Badibengi and Makasi saw Two of their students who attend their wresrtling school in Lewisham and Haringey strike Gold at the world Youth Mini Olympic Game sponsorised by coca cola in Holland in 2004, and there was a strong team from American with 75 wrestlers and othere country.In their respective age categories 12year-old Jeamie and 14 year Christ both claimed Gold medals. The boys and Girls from Lewisham Wrestling club Ambition is to represente England in the Commonwealth Games and to represente Great Britain in 2012 in the Olympic Games and win the Gold medal.

Venue for Wrestling Training


Age Group:  10years upwards

Days:  Every Wednesday
Time:    5:30pm - 8:00 pm
Age Group:  10years upwards

Latest News & Events

Coming up Events
Event: 2014 British Junior Championships and Aspull International Championships 2014.
6 junior wrestlers From Lewisham wrestling club will take part and try to bring Gold Medals for Club.

We're recruiting a new Group of Children's and Young people to take part in a twice per Week (Olympic Wrestling and physical activities) for Free of Charge, from 2014 to June 2015. Funded by BBC Children's in need.

Join Lewisham Wrestling Club

Committee Member
        Contribute to the discission making of the club.
Ordinary Member
        Join other members in keeping fit.

Our record and Achievements


Christ 16 and Israel Tshikeva 18 years old Transitions from one Level to the next, Israel he started Olympic wrestling when he was 5 years old. Moving to a New place at 17 with out your Parents is never easy.

Israel Tshikeva left everything and everyone behind in London to move to Manchester GB Team in order to fulfil his dreams of being one of the top Olympic wrestlers at 100kg.